Carlos David CARDOZO
Mi nombre es Carlos Cardozo, soy recibido de la Facutad de artes de La U.N.LP. , Argentina, con el titulo de Profesor de Pintura y Escultura, tambien soy Licenciado en artes plasticas . Naci en CABA, pero luego de algunas idas y venidas , resido en Pinamar, una pequeña ciudad de la costa.
Mi interes me hizo anotar en talleres de expresion grafica e historieta desde la adolescencia hasta que realice los estudios universitarios. Actualmente me desempeño como profesor de Primaria y Secundaria en la Educación Pública, ademas de trabajar artisticamente en la produccion plastica de obras pictoricas e Ilustraciones . He realizado diferentes exposiciones artisticas en diferentes ciudades.
My name is Carlos Cardozo, I am received from the Faculty of Arts of La U.N.LP. , Argentina, with the title of Professor of Painting and Sculpture, I also have a degree in plastic arts. I was born in CABA, but after some comings and goings, I live in Pinamar, a small city on the coast.
My interest made me sign up for graphic expression and comic strip workshops from adolescence until I completed my university studies. Currently I work as a teacher of Primary and Secondary in Public Education, in addition to working artistically in the plastic production of pictorial works and Illustrations. I have made different artistic exhibitions in different cities.